Friday, June 20, 2014

I Survived My First Month! - Khadijah

A month into my internship, I'm still just as excited as I was when I first started here. Since becoming an intern for Palmetto Scene, I've grown, a lot, and not only as far as my career experience is concerned.

One thing I'm really glad that I received is amazing friendship among the other interns. Since the beginning, we've all made an effort to get to know each other, and to develop a close relationship with one another. We're supportive of each other with everything that we do, and we really are hardworking individuals. We've all come so far on our journeys, and I'm excited for what lies ahead for them in the future.

Something about myself is that I love a good challenge, and being here at ETV, I've worked on so many different projects that I'm not used to working on at school, and I'm really grateful for that experience. A lot of the projects that I've enjoyed most are definitely the production shoots. Whether traveling, or shooting live in the studio - I enjoy seeing how live production works, and am more and more motivated to do more with live production shooting in the future. I also enjoy being able to edit the content together for the web. My most creative project was my most recent video work on South Carolina's Historic Aviation Foundation which featured an interview on the preservation of the B-25C Mitchell Bomber, which was a plane that was involved in many war projects, including D-Day.

The ambition that I possess being not only a woman of this field, but only being an intern is what really appeals to the directors and higher ups around me. The more work and effort that I put into my daily tasks, the more quality assignments I'm assigned that really begin to test my knowledge and skills at all angles. This week, instead of just working on editing video and writing up stories for the web, I got to play a key producer role by doing some script writing for one of the segments of Palmetto Scene. Anyone that knows me, knows that writing is a great passion of mine, and it's something that I take very seriously. Being able to do this, I didn't possess the greatest knowledge of scriptwriting as far as experience was concerned, but I applied what I knew and allowed it to work for me.
As an intern, you have to be prepared to put your knowledge and skills to work, even if you don't think it's necessary at the time. You honestly never know who's watching you and what that ambition and drive can direct you to with your career path.
So with all of that being said, I leave with a few tips and pieces of advice to other interns or aspiring interns not only in the field of Mass Communications, but with any career, because it's important that you know this.
1. Have an open mind.
With all internships starting out, it may not be your first choice as far as your career and your goals for your future. However, that doesn't mean that it can't be useful to you to work in another area of your field. Being well rounded is the new attribute that employers look for. With the way that the economy and amounts of job openings are now, employers want individuals that know how to do more than the basics. It shows that they have someone that knows what they're doing, they're well rounded and open minded about the projects that they take on, and they carry valuable skills that could be useful to the company or brand.
2. Embrace those around you.
Whether they're older than you, such as your boss, producers, directors, etc. or around the same age as you with the same career interests, embrace everyone with the same level of respect that you wish to have from someone else. It makes the world of a difference in the end.
3. Don't be afraid to say that you want to try something that you weren't necessarily assigned to do.
Much of what I've done with ETV were not my assignments at all. I learned more about the platform, and I built off of that with the skills I possessed and things that I was interested in seeing happening with ETV. The same could be extremely beneficial to your company.
4. Have confidence in yourself no matter what.
If you don't believe that you can do it, everyone around you will begin to question your ability to make it in your field.

I'm excited for all that I've learned, and I'm even more excited to put that into action. Though I have a little more than a month left here, I think it's great to acknowledge how much I've grown since I've been here, and to embrace the love and happiness and joy I have being surrounded by others that believe in me. It makes the world of a difference, and I'm excited for what's next with my career here at ETV and beyond.

- K

P.S. As a woman, I am also very interested in looking and dressing the part at ETV, so here are some looks from this week that I've done. Enjoy! xo


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