Tuesday, July 1, 2014

There Are No Such Things As Slow Days - Khadijah

Here at ETV, there are no such things as slow days.

When the world is chanting for their country's win over a game of soccer in a native land, there's nothing more you'd rather do than sit back and enjoy a good game of soccer, even if you don't necessarily know what the correct soccer terms are.

When you hardly know which room is which in a grand palace of editing rooms and studios, it's time to stretch those limbs and put your roaming cap on. Come on, there's no such things as slow days remember?

Then, you realize that there is beauty with which you stand. That there is more to your daily job than just clocking in and editing a video, but that there is a life you can live with people that matter.

With my very last few weeks of being an intern at my fingertips, I realize that there will be a lot that I will miss upon leaving.

Like these "no such thing as" slow days.

I've gotten to get to know and love so many people here, including my fellow intern friends. There is no doubt in my mind that I would lose touch with individuals who always seem to have my back.

The opportunities around me are endless.
Each project that I take on here gives me more room to explore different points of interests that only allow me to get better and better, and I love that.
Personally, I learned a lot here that being at home or sitting in a classroom could never teach me, but it's only because I've applied myself and dedicated myself to the prospect of learning something new that I never had before.
So the next time that you find yourself scrolling endlessly through your facebook feed to pass the time,
Look around you,
and figure out what new things you can learn, or rather, new relationships that you can build upon.

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