Interns Background

SCETV Broadcast/Content Endowment Interns 

Marina Ziehe

Newberry College
Communications Major/Journalism Concentration
Graphic Design Minor

From  MacaĆ©, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil

About Me  Born on May 10, 1992 - on Mother's Day - I'm a genuine taurus person. Strong-minded, determined and truly passionate are some of the characteristics that best describe me. Many people ask me, why did you come to the U.S. from a country thousands of miles away? And I always reply: My Passion. Passion for life, for making new discoveries and expanding my horizons. Not only my willingness to dive deep into a new experience brought me here, but also my passion for tennis - I'm a tennis player at Newberry College (Let's go Wolves!). Since Brazil is a melting pot for a wide range of cultures, I love diversity! Living among diverse people makes me feel like I'm home and also makes everything more fun! I believe living abroad is not for everyone. It requires a great amount of maturity. Those who are up to the challenge will inherently develop a global perspective and experience a great personal growth. They will learn to see the world through the lens of another culture and value system. They might discover that they are not always right and that accepting the viewpoint of others is essential to live well in society. It is undoubtedly a unique and exciting experience!

Career Goals  To work in the production of documentaries for social impact, dealing with important global issues such as poverty, violence, discrimination, environmental issues, human rights, and many, many others. I want to INSPIRE, educate and contribute to a more fraternal and just society. At some point in my life, I want to publish a book with my personal writings, which tell a lot about my life experiences and ideology.

Hobbies  Running, playing tennis, doing yoga, writing poetry and essays, playing the piano, watching movies, traveling.

Favorite Quote  "Be the change you want to see in the world" ~ Gandhi

 Khadijah Dennis

University of South Carolina

Third-year, Broadcast Journalism Major

Media Art Minor

From: Kingstree, SC

About Me: Date of Birth - May 30, 1994 (a proud Gemini!). One of the most unique and beautiful things about being a woman is our confidence. I was always that young girl with dreams and aspirations, and though many of those things changed over time, one specific passion stuck with me, and that is the passion I have for writing. I would always find myself reading a book and falling in love with the words of my favorite author's stories, one day dreaming that someone else would fall in love with my work in the same fashion. I started working on my own novels throughout middle school, and later it began evolving into poetry/spoken word, and most recently, communications/journalistic works. I found that being a journalist would be the best possible fit for my career endeavors as I absolutely love meeting new people, learning more about things I may not have a wide knowledge of, and most importantly - bringing news and stories to the public eye that not only matters, but truly represents the people who tune into these stations and broadcasts every day. As they always say - there's more than one side to every story.

Under my belt, I've been an intern for my hometown's newspaper, The News, and upon entering the University of South Carolina, I've served on the Daily Gamecock newspaper staff for two years now, evolving as a writer every semester as my work is aimed to highlight the diversity and unique qualities of the university that many people may not be aware of. I've also contributed editorial work to Garnet and Black magazine, a seasonal publication, and I've served as a producer, Public Affairs Manager and Student Relations Coordinator for Student Gamecock television. These positions at SGTV have allowed me to gain experience in a wide array of fields within communications, such as production, Public Relations, editing and graphic design. If you're passionate about what you do, it never really feels like work. I'm looking forward to what the next two years have in store for me and my career goals both within and beyond the University of South Carolina.

Career Goals: My ultimate goal is to one day be apart of CNN and contribute my expertise in their news and international segments of their shows. I love the platform that CNN news has, and I think it's great that they broadcast news 24/7. My goal is to help bring news to the people that will make a big difference in their lives and the way that they contribute their own works to the betterment of the world. I would also like to expand my company, The Conqueror Movement, to become a well known platform for young adults to have a voice both in their communities and internationally. And lastly, I will continue my writing endeavors whether it be with a news platform, or with the growing technology, doing more editorials for magazines and publishing my own individual works.

Hobbies blogging, writing, spoken word, reading, listening to music, studying the latest fashion styles, photography/design, travel

Fun Fact: In September, I will be studying abroad in the eccentric Japan!

Favorite Quote  "History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Katherine McCollough
University of South Carolina
Freshman, Broadcast Journalism Major (BA-Media Arts, minor in Film Studies)
 From: Kingstree, SC

About Me: My interest in film-making began as a kid, using a toy video camera to record goofy movies with my friends and sister as the cast. My senior year of high school, I enrolled in the entertainment technology program at Myrtle Beach’s Academy for the Arts, Science and Technology. My experiences at AAST solidified my decision to pursue film-making as a career. My first semester at USC, I fell in love with documentary film-making while taking a course on the history of documentary taught by Dr. Heidi Cooley. Encouraged by Dr. Cooley, I completed my required media arts internship at ETV, working under the supervision of Betsy Newman on her Education of Harvey Gantt documentary (then in-production). Now I’m back as an endowment intern, working on mini-documentary pieces for the SC Hall of Fame!
 Career Goals: I plan to pursue a career in video production for public television (documentary and/or journalistic). I’m interested in telling important social issue stories in ways that engage and move modern audiences. I’m inspired by the innovative, affecting storytelling of journalists like Ira Glass and Anna Sale. WNYC is my favorite PBS radio station, and POV is my favorite PBS documentary series, so maybe I should end up in New York!
  Hobbies: reading; Twitter; watching television and movies; singing in my band, Lashes; shooting music videos
 Fun Fact: This summer I’ll be starting a podcast-format interview series with my friend, Shigeharu Kobayashi (author of Frank Comics’ “Princess Calabretta”). Look out for it!
 Favorite Quote: “Speaking, writing and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are, above all, acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total commitment.”
― Trinh T. Minh-ha, Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism                               

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