Tuesday, May 27, 2014

In The Air - Marina

Being an intern at ETV is, without a doubt, an exhilarating experience!!!!

This morning I went with Tabitha and Katie to Jefferson, SC to cover a story about the Bermuda High Soaring School, which offers sailplane rides and flight training to the public. At first we went there to interview the pilots, instructors and two of the students. While Katie was the interviewer and Tabitha the videographer, I was responsible for the audio, making make sure the interview was recorded properly.

Interviewing one of the instructors
After the interviews it was time to get some b-rolls of the gliders on the ground and also in the sky.. (YES, IN THE SKY!!!). So we attached 3 GoPro cameras to one of the gliders to get some nice shots of the take off, the view from high above the ground, and the landing. And guess who got the chance to fly in the aircraft?!

What a feeling!
What a view!
That was just A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an adventure! I don't know if there is an intern in the world who has the chance to glide high in the air in an aircraft, but yes... I had this chance and it was just exhilarating!

But the day was not done yet... Now it was time to go back to ETV and help with the political debates. This time I stayed with the producers in the control room helping to keep track of the time of the interview questions/answers.

It was very neat to watch a live show from the control room. You definitely get the chance to watch the program from a different perspective and time literally flies!

My day was full of learning and new experiences. I enjoyed every second of it!!!

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