Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Seas" The Sea - Marina


Waking up today at 7 a.m. was pretty easy for someone who had to wake up at 4 a.m. the day before. Today I went to Charleston again but this time with another crew. Katie, one of the producers at ETV, is doing a story for Palmetto Scene about the Veterans on Deck, which is a maritime initiative for Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, past experience of Military Sexual Trauma, or Serious Mental Illness.

The crew was: Katie, Titus and Gaines. Titus and Gaines were in charge of recording video and audio for the story and Katie conducted the interviews. It was just great being able to see their work and helping with whatever I could!! Besides, the day was beaaauuuuuutiful!

Taking a 'selfie' with the crew in the background
But the best part was still to come. We actually got on the boat and went sailing!! Titus went with some of the veterans on a boat and Katie, Gaines and I went on another. The goal was to get different shots from different angles and to get some b-roll of the veterans enjoying the sailing. It worked just great!!

Katie and Gaines interviewing the sailors

Katie and I enjoying the trip!
It was very neat to be there. Days like this make my internship interesting, exciting, fun and educational. I definitely started off my internship experience on the right foot!!!

Great people, great places, great learning!!!

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